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A Discussion on Perfect and Pure Competition of Market

Perfect Competition can be categorized as:

Large number of buyers and sellers:

A market runs on large number of buyers and sellers. Single firm is not able to affect the market supply or the market price. Similarly, there are large numbers of buyers also in market. Even the buyers can’t influence the price by changing their demand because each buyer and seller is like a drop in the ocean.

Homogeneous product:

Homogeneous product is known as the most important feature. According to it, product, which these large number of buyers buy from large number of sellers are identical or we can say perfect substitute. That means if one buyer increase the price, the buyer will buy it from other sellers as the products are identical e.g. rice.

Free entry and exit of firms:

We can take an example to clarify the term. An entrepreneur, who has enough capital and still can start the business and enter the industry and any one who is incurring loss can stop the production and exit the industry.

Firms are price takers:

If there are many buyers and sellers, nobody can influence the price or the supply in the industry. They are just like the drop in the ocean.

No cost of transportation:

In the perfect competition it is assumed that cost of transportation does not exist.

Now we should talk about perfect and pure competition. Perfect competition has all the features of pure competition and some more features. The first three features given under perfect competition constitutes pure competition whereas perfect competition has the features of pure competition and two more features they are perfect knowledge about the market and perfect mobility of inputs and output. Market of competition comes through profit maximization concept.

Property market also runs on the same concept of perfect and pure competition in the modern market. Now, market is not a place where we sell or buy a thing. Now, market is services also where third party takes an entry such as – finance market, property market etc.

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